About Centered Space

An introduction to the Mari Kondo Method

Is your home a source of anxiety? We believe at Centered Space LA that if you center yourself, then everything else falls into place. We are convinced that this process of re-centering ourselves and our space is for every person, regardless of circumstance. We are committed to holding space without judgement to create a home that is an extension of your truth.

“The question of what you want to own is actually a question about how you want to live your life.”

-Marie Kondo

Perhaps you are here because there is not enough direction or too many things cluttering your home The mess seems inescapable. The tidying process is a journey of self-examination, of creating a vision for your life that cultivates sustainable quality. The KonMari Method™ is a tool for creating a space that reflects your most inner values, and celebrates who you are at the core.

The KonMari Method™ is effective. Anyone who has done it will tell you: organizing your space and creating a clear vision for your life channels that “centeredness” into your career, personal relationships and your interests. I can guide you through this tested process, help you set goals, and take control of your life. Let’s tidy up together!

Click to learn more about the services I offer and how it all works.